Inclusion School strongly promotes, encourages and celebrates excellent attendance for all its learners and their families because of the benefits it provides to each learner’s personal development and academic progress.
We do however recognise that many of our learners are experiencing ongoing mental health needs, and some are in crisis. In these circumstances, each learner’s attendance is viewed individually and within the context of each learner’s needs and it is essential that Inclusion School, parents/carers and other professionals communicate and work together to promote, improve and ensure good attendance.
Need to report an absence?
Punctuality is part of Inclusion School’s expectation of good attendance. Inclusion embeds a whole school approach to attendance in which all staff, learners and parents/carers understand the benefits of good attendance and believe in this mindset.
All staff are trained in valuing and celebrating good attendance and identifying persistent or declining attendance to ensure early intervention. As a school, we work in partnership with the learner and their family to be a positive, safe and welcoming environment in which they want to be present.
We communicate the benefits of good attendance throughout a learner’s time and celebrate this in reports and communication with families. We want to work with the families of our learners and we want them to be significant contributors to our school community. Inclusion School looks to promote family activities as part of this approach and make school a safe and welcoming place for all the family.
During our admissions process we identify those who experience emotionally-based school avoidance and work with the learner’s previous school, their family and the Local Authority to support this from the start of their journey at Inclusion School.
Please see our below Attendance Policy for full details.
Need some support over the holidays?
Get in touch
If you would like to contact us with any further queries then please complete the form with your details and message and one of our team will be in touch.
© Copyright 2022, inclusion Hampshire
DfE number 850/6107