
This section of the website is all for learners – and shares a bit more about what you might experience here with us at Inclusion School. It’s also an area where we can share examples of your work and celebrate in your success. Please do let your teacher or tutors know if you want to add any of your work or if there is anything you’d like to add to our blog.

As well as the subjects you learn at Inclusion School, we like to make sure you get to experience lots of extras via things like schools trips and visits. Take a look at some of the photos below which show some of the things we have done – from work experience at Wellington Country Park, experiments at Winchester Science Centre, panto trip and animals from the Ark Centre visiting us at school. 

What's going on?

Second Edition of Inclusion School News

First Edition of Inclusion School News

Inclusion School opens its doors

Latest Inclusion Hampshire Newsletter July 2022

New service from Inclusion

Kindness – What does it mean?

Inclusion call for School’s Mental Health Network