The Boxall Profile is a measurement tool used in education settings to identify learners mental health needs.
This method was cited by the Department for Education, as well as highlighted in the Department for Education’s 2018 Mental health and behaviour in schools advice.
The Boxall Profile is used to assess the social, emotional and mental health needs of children and young people. As a whole school approach, this approach is an effective tool in uncovering undiscovered moderate SEMH needs in learners.
Using the Boxall Profile is a helpful way to identify and address these hidden issues, to ensure that every child and young person gets the support they need to engage fully with their education.
These assessments are not designed as a diagnostic tool for specific mental health conditions, learning difficulties or developmental difficulties. Instead, assessments are designed to help professionals understand and work more effectively with children and young people, in a way that’s sensitive to the needs of the child or young person being assessed.
Boxall at Inclusion School
We’re an SEMH School – why are we using Boxall?
Boxall profiles are a really useful tool to add to the systems and approaches we already use at Inclusion School.
Why is it beneficial for Learners?
- Giving a voice to behaviours that otherwise go unexplained or overlooked
- Allowing an early identification and assessment of needs
- Setting individualised, achievable targets that reinforce target behaviour and skills
- Tracking individual progress
Why is it useful for Staff?
- Offering a better understanding of what lies behind the children and young people’s difficult behaviour
- Providing individualised, achievable targets that reinforce target behaviour and skills
- Supporting the planning of strategies for individual children and young people
- Measuring the impact of interventions at an individual/group level over time
- Increasing practitioners’ confidence as they learn the underlying reasons for a pupil’s difficulties and how to overcome them
- For the most vulnerable children and young people, evidencing the decision to refer to and/or deliver a specialist therapeutic provision
- Offering suggestions about relevant resources and strategies
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DfE number 850/6107